Study for Cyberpeace
The Myth of Cyberwar: Bringing War in Cyberspace Back Down to Earth
by Erik Gartzke
Cyberwar has been described as a revolution in military affairs, a transformation of technology and doctrine capable of overturning the prevailing world order. This characterization of the threat from cyberwar, however, reflects a common tendency to conflate means and ends; studying what could happen in cyberspace (or anywhere else) makes little sense without considering how conflict over the internet is going to realize objectives commonly addressed by terrestrial warfare. To supplant established modes of conflict, cyberwar must be capable of furthering the political ends to which force or threats of force are commonly applied, something that in major respects cyberwar fails to do. As such, conflict over the internet is much more likely to serve as an adjunct to, rather than a substitute for, existing modes of terrestrial force. Indeed, rather than threatening existing political hierarchies, cyberwar is much more likely to simply augment the advantages of status quo powers.
NOTE: I was ackknowledged by the author Professor Gartzke because I have written a review for his paper and he included my notes into the paper in the International Security.
Link to the paper in the International Security
A Non-Attribution-Dilemma and its Impact on Legal Regulation of Cyberwar
Michael Niekamp and Florian Grunert
The potential impossibility of attribution in cyberspace causes at least three challenges for international politics. This paper analyses the systematic role of the non-attribution-problem with regard to the definition of cyberwar, its impact on legal regulation and the strategy of "deterrence through a threat of retaliation". Firstly we provide a conceptual specification of non-attribution. Secondly, referring to a classical definition of war and a sound principle of self-defense, we provide a logical clarification of these terms for cases of non-attribution and their impact to define and classify "cyberwar". Afterwards we argue that any attempt to rational legal regulation under non-attribution will lead into a serious dilemma, which consists either in a reductio ad absurdum of the category of war and the impossibility of a sound principle of self-defense or the indistinguishability of a state of regulation and anarchy. However, the existence of this non-attribution-problem has no impact on the possibility of rational "deterrence through a threat of retaliation", which in turn might lead to a complete prudential dilemma.
Keywords: cyberwar; deterrence; non-attribution-dilemma; legal regulation; logical clarification; deterrence
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Informationstechnologie und Sicherheitspolitik: Wird der dritte Weltkrieg im Internet ausgetragen? herausgegeben von Jörg Sambleben und Stefan Schumacher ist erhältlich
Ueber das Buch:
Informationstechnologie verändert seit mehreren Jahrzehnten nicht nur technische Handlungsfelder, sondern auch gesellschaftliche. Insbesondere in der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik wird unter dem Stichwort »Cyberwar« das Gefährdungspotenzial von IT und Computern diskutiert. Außerdem werden Kriegsspiele im Cyberspace durchgeführt und mögliche Angriffs- und Verteidigungsstrategien entworfen. Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich daher mit dem Verhältnis von Informationstechnologie und Sicherheitspolitik und deren wechselseitigen Einflüssen. Es stellt die zwingend notwendigen technischen Grundlagen sowie aktuelle sicherheitspolitische Diskussionen vor. Dabei wird insbesondere der Frage nachgegangen, ob es einen Cyberwar gibt und welche Konsequenzen Cyber-Aggressionen hätt.
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Cyberwar? Wir reden immer noch über Krieg!
My Bachelor thesis in German: DOWNLOAD(PDF)
This model will help to understand the problems in cyberspace DOWNLOAD(PDF)
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