- General Dempsey Urges New Mission for Cyberspace; Announces 4G Network for DOD
- Armageddon and the Cyberghost: Cyber-attacks as acts of war - Alexander Carter-Silk
- Inside Story - How real is the threat of cyberwar?
- Shmoocon 2013 - Hacking as an Act of War by G. Mark Hardy
- Cyberwar - Das digitale Schlachtfeld - 3sat Scobel
- Interview mit Myriam Dunn Cavelty über cyberwar auf der Veranstaltung "Der verunsicherte Staat"
- Deutschland Radio--Computer und Kommunikation: Auf der Suche nach vernetzter Abwehr -- Kritische Infrastrukturen sind nicht ausreichend gegen Cyberangriffe geschützt
- Katholische Militärseelsorge warnt vor Cyberwar
- FX zum Thema Cyberwar die Geschichte, das rechtliche Umfeld, die Strategien und wie weit die Politik ist
- THEMA: Cyberwar - Der unsichtbare Krieg [Phoenix]
- Obama Orders More Cyber Attacks On Iran
- Zero Day: Exploring cyberspace as a new domain of war
- Cyber-WarWenn das Web zur Waffe wird
- Fighting in the Fifth Dimension by aljazeera
- Cyberwar - Die neue Art der Kriegsführung
- Facing up to threat of cyberwar by Susan Watts
- Al Jazeera World - Fighting in the Fifth Dimension
- Mit Offenen Karten Das Digitale Schlachtfeld
- Charlie Miller's keynote at ICCC
- Is The U.S. Headed For A 'Code War'?
- From Brain to Stuxnet: Mikko Hyponnen on Malware and Security Preparedness
- Defense Department Investment in Technology and Capability to Meet Emerging Security Threats
- U.S. defense secrets stolen in cyber attacks
- Cybersecurity: Assessing the Nation's Ability to Address the Growing Cyber Threat
- The Debate: Securing Cyberspace with Christopher Soghoian, Ron Deibert
- RSA® Conference 2011 Keynote - Collective Defense: Collaborating to Create a Safer Internet
- RSA Conference 2011 Keynote - Michael Capuzzo
- RSA Conference 2011 - The Evolution of Software Security Assurance and its Relevance Today
- RSA Conference 2011 - Stop Exposing Yourself: Principles of Attack Surface Analysis and Reduction
- RSA Conference 2011 - Cyberwar, Cybersecurity, and the Challenges Ahead - James Lewis
- Marcus Ranum on cyberwar, critical infrastructure protection
- An Agenda for Empirical Cyber Crime Research by Stefan Savage, Director of the Collaborative Center for Internet Epidemiology and Defenses
- Cybersecurity - Assessing the Immediate Threat to the United States
- International Pathways to Cybersecurity via EastWest Institute
- China's Perspective on Cybersecurity via EastWest Institute
- The Nexus of Cyber Crime, Espionage and Cyber Warfare via EastWest Institute
- New International Cyber Strategy of the White House via EastWest Institute
- William Gibson: The New Cyber/Reality
- Bruce Schneier on 'advanced persistent threat'
- Cyber war treaties by Bruce Schneier
- Cyber Patriots Fight the Cyber War via Oklahoma cyber patriots
- Cyber-Abwehrzentrum eröffnet via ZDF
- Cyber War Games: U.S. Versus China with David Wise via BIG THINK
- Ralp Langner speaks about Stuxnet by NATO CCD COE
- A global treaty on cybersecurity and cybercrime -- Prof. Solange Ghernaouti- Hélie, Founder of "SeDgE" (Security in DiGital Environments) research group, Lausanne University.
- VIDEO: Hathaway on Cybersecurity Law
- Cyberwar Kriegsfuehrung per Mausklick
- here is Bruce Schneier's keynote speech at the Computer, Freedom, and Privacy conference
- Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus
- Ralph Langner: Cracking Stuxnet, a 21st-century cyber weapon
- CYBERWAR -- Bomben gegen Bits (Deutschland Radio Wissen)
- Interview: Cyberwar - Sandro Gaycken
- Sandro Gaycken - Cyberwar und seine Folgen für die Informationsgesellschaft
- President Obama has declared that the "cyber threat is ...
- Cyber Europe 2010 -video clip
- Die Angst vor dem Cyber-War: Muss sich Deutschland vor Angriffen aus dem Netz schützen?
- 27c3: Building Custom Disassemblers
- Internetmilitär - Wie Mitlitär das Internet nutzt
- An Interview with Ralph Langner
- Computerviren im strategischen Einsatz
- Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar by Dr. Martin Libicki Senior Management Scientist --The RAND Corporation
- Kontrollnetze und Netzkontrollen -- Regierungen beeinträchtigen zunehmend die Entwicklung des weltweiten Datennetzes
- Cyberwar - das Schlachtfeld von morgen - ZDF heute journal
- Cyber War By Army Commander of Sri Lanka
- Video 2006 -- NCSA in Afghanistan -- Flexible equipment for a flexible NATO force -- NCSA Director Speaks at Industry Association Symposium -- Video Interview with Director, NCSA
- Video on Cyber Defence produced and broadcasted by Deutsche Welle -- Director's presentation of NCSA Strategy and 2009 Guidance
- Building Cyberdefence -- ncsa nato
- CYBERWAR -- Wenn Staaten hacken
- 'Significant' cyber attack on Canada linked to China
- TEDxPentagon - TSgt Stuart Wilson, USAF - A New Kind of Pilot
- CYBERWAR- -Die Bedrohung im Netz--Gespräch mit Andreas Bogk, Chaos Computer Club
- Cyberwar - Die vernetzte Sicherheit (08.02.2011)
- Sicherheit - Der virtuelle Krieg und die Realitäten (04.02.2011)--Die Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz debattiert über Cyberwars - ein wichtiges Thema, aber auch ein wenig überschätzt.
- Cyberwar - Verdrahtete Krieger (24.01.2011) -- Die Digitalisierung setzt Soldaten unter Druck.
- Sicherheit - Netzangriffe als Kriegswaffe (15.10.2010) -- Gezielte Angriffe aus dem Netz können Gesellschaften in kurzer Zeit lahm legen. Der Journalist und Internet-Experte Manfred Kloiber erklärt den Cyber-Krieg und die Gefahren, die von ihm ausgehen.
- Cyberwar - Digitale Kriegsführung (06.10.2010) -- Experten warnen: Krieg per Computer ist schon längst keine Zukunftsvision mehr.
- Britain's defence pact no threat to NATO's future 04.02.11
- DEFCON 17: Preparing for Cyber War: Strategy and Force Posture in the Information-Centric World
- India, Pakistan Locked In Cyber War
- nicter -- Technology for visualizing and analyzing network attacks : DigInfo
- US cyber warfare expert on threats which exist now
- Merkel: Cyberwar so gefährlich wie klassischer Krieg
- Web Warriors-future of cyberspace
- Ian Brown, a senior research fellow at Oxford University, was one of the report's authors.
- New Dirt on the Stuxnet Worm & Cyber War
- Inside Story - A new frontier in cyber war?
- CDS hopes to launch cyber command 10.01.11
- 27C3 - Adventures in analyzing Stuxnet [This talk is interesting because it will explain all the pre attack modi on Windows Systems]
- World War 3.0 - Omar Wasow
- Der Krieg hat eine neue Qualität bekommen. Cyberwar
- Into the Black: Explorations in DPRK
- UNIDIR hosted a conference on "Information & Communication Technologies and International Security" on 24-25 April 2008 in Geneva (AUDIO_2008)
- Cyberwar-Offen-wie-Scheunentore--Sandro Gaycken
- Stuxnet virus may pose widespread threat to industry
- Launches Expert Media Roster
- Bruce Schneier on Cyber War and Cyber Crime
- Black Hat USA 2010: Malware Attribution: Tracking Cyber Spies and Digital Criminals (5 parts)
- Stuxnet: How It Infects PLCs
- Training High School Students for Cyberwar - CyberPatriot III
- Change in Progress - Building a secure cyber society together video(11/2010)
- Cyber Warfare: Addressing the Challenges
- Policy@Google: Dr. Ronald Deibert
- Do You Want to Be a Cyber Warrior? (October 22, 2009)
- DIGITAL AGE-Will the War In The 21 Century Be Fought In Cyberspace?- Col. T.X. Hammes
- CrossTalk: From Anna Chapman to Cyber Warfare
- 2010 State of the Net Panel: Cyberwar
- Cyber Terrorism and Warfare: The Emergent Threat
- DEFCON 18: Live Fire Exercise: Baltic Cyber Shield 2010 3 parts (click in youtube)
- Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn discusses the various new strategies used by the Pentagon to identify information technology threats, combat cyber warfare, and protect U.S. infrastructure. Podcast in mp3 or read as transcript
- Podcast: National Cyber Security Awareness Month(mp3)
- Stuxnet Worm - False Flag Cyber Attack by Iran and Russia
- Should laws of war apply to cyberspace? interview(2010) --Guests: Tom Gjelten, Correspondent, covering a variety of global security and economic issues, NPR James Andrew Lewis, Director and Senior Fellow, Technology and Public Policy Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies Adam Segal, Senior Fellow for Counterterrorism and National Security Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
- Admiral Lord West: The China Cyber Threat Comes Alive
- Security Minister: European Union is Way Behind in Cyber Strategy
- Staged cyber attack reveals vulnerability in power grid
- Cyberwar: The new global battlefield
- Are Congressman to old for cyberwar? video
- Interview, John Bumgarner at Cyber Warfare 2010 video(07/2010)
- US Cyber Strategy 2010 - BBC World News America
- Digital Espionage: Cyber Attacks vs Exploitation
- Tea with Wesley Clark - former general and NATO commander
- Australia's new cyber warfare facility + Jiang Yu, China re Google threat
- Tim Stevens about the problems on cyberwar(audio)
- Richard Clarke On The Growing 'Cyberwar' Threat(audio)
- Cybersecurity Discussion with General Keith B. Alexander, Director of the NSA, Commander of U.S. Cyber Command
- Gov. O'Malley talks about NATO and cybersecurity from Estonia
- Google attack raises security focus
- Global Computer Espionage Network Uncovered(GhostNet)
- China-based network caught in cyber-espionage
- Hacking the Power Grid
- NATO battles cyber attacks
- Future wars the Cyber War USAF
- Is cyber warfare hoax?--Better Cyber terrorism-- In this interview with Ryan Single the media shows no sensibilty for distinguish the words cyber terrorism and cyber warfare.
- A German scientist about Cyberwarfare
- DOKU about Chinesehackers and there connection to the government
- political motivated hacks on georgia
- CyberwarDoku of the USA
- Cyberwar Podcast from france24
- Cyberwar Podcast from FOXNEWS about IRAN
- China Cyber Attack on America
- US Power Grid Compromised